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チャディ・メン・タン氏は、15回のノーベル平和賞ノミネート経験のあるドーン・エングル氏、アイヴァン・スヴァンジェフ氏と共にOne Billion Acts of Peace (10億の平和行動)の共同議長を務めています。
このOne Billion Acts of Peaceは、ノーベル平和賞に7回ノミネートされています。
One Billion Acts of Peace は、人類が直面している最難問に向けて共働し、世界中のあらゆる人々にひらめきや刺激を与え、力づけ、解決へと導くことを目標にしています。
13人のノーベル平和賞受賞者と数百万の人々と共に、みなさんもOne Billion Acts of Peaceの活動に参加しませんか。」
World Peace: Chade Meng Tan’s true mission
Chade-Meng Tan is Co-Chair of One Billion Acts of Peace, along with fifteen-time Nobel Peace Prize nominees Dawn Engle and Ivan Suvanjieff. One Billion Acts of Peace has been nominated seven times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
“Alone, I am powerless. But even a small group of us, working together, can do something significant, such as cleaning a beach, building a bridge, providing a village access to clean water, or reforesting a bare hillside. A large group of us working together can solve for poverty, injustice and environmental destruction.
The end of powerlessness is community. Alone, I am powerless. Together, we change the world.
One Billion Acts of Peace aims to inspire, empower and facilitate every person in the world to work together to solve the biggest problems facing humanity.
Our core strategy is something we call “From Tourist to Traveler to Guide”.
Doing good for the world seems intimidating and daunting for many, so we encourage people to start small (“tourist”).
Donate a book, offer a meal to one homeless person, or mentor a child for an hour.
After that, participate in something bigger that already exists (“traveler”), to get some “sea legs”.
Join an effort to fight against child slavery, bring clean water to a community, or plant a thousand trees.
Finally, we want to empower people to become effective agents of change by building and leading communities (“guide”), to create peace, build bridges, provide access to water, medicine and education, heal the earth, or do one of (literally) a billion things to change the world.
We want to help people elevate upstream along the continuum of tourist -> traveler -> guide, and in doing so, we hope to inspire and facilitate the arising of millions of these “guides.”
When we have millions of people leading positive change around the world, forming communities of action around themselves, we end powerlessness, and we change the world.
The world has many problems, but it also holds the solutions. We are the solutions. By working together, we end our powerlessness. We regain our power. Power of the people, by the people, for the people, to save this world.
My friends, I’d like to invite you to join our thirteen Nobel Peace laureates, and the millions of us at One Billion Acts of Peace, to change the world.”
- wisdom Blog>
- チャディ・メン・タン氏の本当のミッションは世界平和