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今回、横澤先生にはご縁のある天河神社より、Wisdom 2.0の初日10月17日のオープニング、そして、その日は新月のタイミングでもあることから、 アフターイベントとして17日夜に「新月の笛の会」を企画し、Wisdom 2.0のご参加者のために、演奏をしていただく予定です。
「オンラインを通しての演奏では、石笛の本当の音色が伝わらないのでは」という私の懸念に対して、「もしかしたらそのままの音色は伝わらないが、重要な国際会議のセレモニーとして笛を吹くことは何かしらの意味がある」とWisdom 2.0でのご登壇に快諾を頂きました。
Speaker Profile: Kazuya Yokozawa
Flute Born Out of Planet Earth: Stone Flute Opening Performance and “Flute of the New Moon”.
Junya Ogino introduces our ninth speaker, Mr. Kazuya Yokozawa, a stone flute artist who has performed at many sacred sites around the world as a form of dedication.
Kazuya has performed at many of Japan’s prominent shrines, including Ise Jingu Shrine. Internationally, he has been invited to perform at some of the world’s most famous sites,including the Sagrada Familia Church in Spain.
The stone flute is made out of a stone that is about the size of one’s palm that is naturally born out of Mother Earth, thus is known also as a primitive flute. In ancient times, the echo and sound of the stone flute was played to welcome the arrival of gods.
The sound of a stone flute is completely different from that of any other flute. Rather than just sound waves, it is thought of also as a form of energetic waves.
Kazawa was originally a western flutist. However, he became a stone flutist after a fateful visit to the Tenkawa Shrine in Yoshino Nara, during which the Chief Priest Kakisaka handed him a stone flute and invited him to “try and play it!”.
Through Tenkawa Shrine’s connection, Kazawa will be performing at the opening of on the 17th of October, which is the first day of Wisdom 2.0 that coincides with the timing of the new moon! So we are also planning to have a “New Moon Flute Party” performance for our participants on the evening of the 17th.
In response to my concern that “the true tonality of the stone flute might be affected through an online performance”, Kazuwa replied: “even if that is the case, I believe it is still meaningful to have such a ceremony for an important international conference like Wisdom 2.0” and agreed to perform for our audiences.
We hope that you will enjoy the beautiful sound of Kazuwa’s stone flute, which is not a musical instrument derived from the culture of a region or a country, but from Mother earth itself.
- wisdom Blog>
- 【横澤和也氏】地球から生まれた笛:石笛によるオープニング演奏と「新月の笛」