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荻野淳也からの登壇者のご紹介、第2回目は日本の幸福学研究の第一人者でもある前野 隆司先生。
前野 隆司先生は大学での研究だけではなく実践的な活動もされており、地方の活性化のプロジェクトにも多数参加され、企業の経営者の生の声を聞きつつ幸福について話されています。
Speaker Profile: Mr. Takashi Maeno
Junya Ogino is back again to introduce our speakers!
Our second speaker on the list is Professor Takashi Maeno, a leading figure in the study of happiness in Japan.
He is a professor at the Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University and has published and lectured extensively on the field of human well-being.
Professor Maeno’s background was originally in mechanical engineering and has worked as an engineer at Canon Inc.
His career shifted drastically from the forefront of manufacturing to the research and study of our human mind and he became one of the pioneers and earliest academic researchers in this field.
Prof. Takashi Maeno is active not only in academic research but also deeply involved in grassroots projects and the sharing of his knowledge of happiness with the corporate world. He wishes to explore the potential of his research in Japan, such as how it can be applied, recognized and being practiced in the public sphere as well as in education.
When we think of questions such as “why we exist?” or “why do we have to work?”, I think most people would agree that it is to make ourselves and our loved ones happy.
Today we see an increasing interest in happiness or wellbeing being applied to the field of education, but in the future, I believe that the same principles of finding common ground in happiness must also be applied to companies and talent development.
In regard to this field, we are excited to present to you a discussion on the topic of happiness and human wellbeing between Professor Maeno and one of the leading positive psychologists of our time, Dr. Barbara Frederikson.
Through this dialogue, perhaps we can have a glance at how “happiness studies” will unfold in the future of Japan, and we hope that Wisdom 2.0 will act as a powerful trigger in spreading their aspirations, practice, and wisdom!
- wisdom Blog>
- 【前野 隆司氏】Wisdom2.0をきっかけに「幸福学」の追求と実践が日本で拡大していくことに期待しています。