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SIY(Search Inside Yourself)を受けてから約3年マインドフルネスの勉強を続けてきました。wisdom2.0が3月に開催されるのは知っていましたが、マインドフルネスの世界的な有名人が集まるので、私とは違う次元のものという感じがしていました。英語がわからないこともあり、通訳があるのはわかっていましたが、ちょっと引け目に感じるところもありました。
(幸野 美智代様/福岡県)
(西 隆行様/福岡県)
今SIY(Search Inside Yourself)9月期を受講中で、マインドフルネスのことならなんでも知りたい状態にあり、速攻決めました。
SIY(Search Inside Yourself)のおかげで、ここ5年のモヤモヤが晴れそうな兆しがあり、このwisdom2.0も今の私に必要なのではと感じたからです。
(佐々木 由佳子/福岡県)
Why they decided to attend Wisdom 2.0 Japan with their permission
Wisdom2.0Japan values interactions among attendees and staff members. Conference ticket holders can join our Facebook group and interact freely even before the conference begins. We are pleased to share some of the responses we received from our attendees on why they decided to attend Wisdom 2.0 Japan with their permission.
I’ve been studying mindfulness for about 3 years now since I took SIY (Search Inside Yourself). When I first knew about wisdom 2.0 Japan which was initially going to be held in March 2020, I felt like it wasn’t for me, but for “people from another world” as it gathers some of the world’s biggest names in mindfulness. I was also unconfident because I knew I’ll need to listen to the talks through an interpreter. The main reason I decided to attend it this time was because the corona crisis has made this gathering online! and I would like to listen to the talks and experience the latest information from the world of mindfulness secretly!
(Ms. Michiyo Kono / Fukuoka, Japan)
I applied for the event without giving it much thought.
In March, I applied because I didn’t have to go to the US to attend the meeting.
This October, I applied because it is going to be held online despite the pandemic.
Like,”if it’s going to be held, I’ll try to participate in it.”
(Mr. Takayuki Nishi / Fukuoka Prefecture)
I’m currently taking the SIY (Search Inside Yourself) this September semester, so I’m in a state where I want to know everything about mindfulness, and that’s why I decided to attend Wisdom 2.0. There is a catchphrase of a certain company, “Both Mind and Body Make Up the Whole Human”, and while so-called spiritual discourse is heavily weighted towards the mind (or the head), SIY values the connection between the mind and the body, so I am very inclined towards it. (I’m not denying that there is no denial of spirituality.) I see wisdom 2.0 as an opportunity to experience the cutting edge of mindfulness as represented by SIY. I am very much looking forward to it.
(Mr. Koichi Fukuda / Tokyo)
I applied for the event because I have a feeling that my mind is finally becoming clearer after 5 years of gloominess thanks to SIY (Search Inside Yourself) and I felt that this wisdom 2.0 is just what I need right now. Specifically, I couldn’t reconcile for a long time the two opposing ideas of accepting things as they are and wanting to be better than what I am now. However, through SIY, learning mindfulness in a business context, I have somehow been able to connect these two different senses. I am hoping that this meeting will inspire new methodologies and tips to help me move forward in my thinking and life.
(Yuko Takadera / Tokyo)
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- 【チケット購入者の声 #2】なぜWisdom2.0Japanへの参加を決めたのか