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「シリコンバレーで最も良心に近い存在」(雑誌アトランティック)という異名を持つトリスタン・ハリス氏は、グーグル社でDesign Ethicist(倫理的デザイナー)として、テクノロジーがスクリーンを通して、何十億人という人々の思考や行動を「倫理的に」導くためのフレームワーク作りに3年間従事しました。
ハリス氏は現在、センター・フォー・ヒューメイン・テクノロジー(Center for Humane Technology)の共同創設者であり、同センターは「人類の格下げ(Human Downgrading)」を覆し、テクノロジーに人間性を反映させることをミッションに掲げています。
雑誌ローリング・ストーンは「世界を形造る25人」の内の一人として、また雑誌フォーチュンは「影響力のある40歳以下40人(2018年版)」の一人として、テクノロジー改革を主導するハリス氏を挙げました。2016年、ハリス氏はグーグル社を去り、非営利団体「有意義な時間(Time Well Spent)」を立ち上げ、注意の経済を改革する活動を始めました。
Speaker Profile: Tristan Harris
How do you ethically steer the thoughts and actions of two billion people’s minds every day?
Called the “closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience,” by The Atlantic magazine, Tristan Harris spent three years as a Google Design Ethicist developing a framework for how technology should “ethically” steer the thoughts and actions of billions of people from screens. He is now co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, whose mission is to reverse ‘human downgrading’ and re-align technology with humanity.
Rolling Stone magazine named Tristan one of “25 people shaping the World”, and was named in Fortune’s 40 under 40 of 2018 for his work on reforming technology.
In 2016, Tristan left Google to work on reforming the attention economy with the non-profit initiative, Time Well Spent which called out the industry’s “race to the bottom of the brain stem” to capture attention and proposed design solutions.
In January 2018, Mark Zuckerberg embraced “time well spent” as a design goal for Facebook, and in May 2018, Apple and Google each launched “Digital Well-being” initiatives and “time well spent” features now shipping on iOS and Android phones.
Tristan has spent more than a decade studying the influences that hijack human thinking and action.
From his childhood as a magician to his work in the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab where he studied persuasive technology, Tristan became concerned about the need for ethical and humane technology.
His work on attention economy started in 2013, when he created a slide deck within Google that went viral, warning about the technology industry’s arms race to capture human attention and the moral responsibility companies have for the ways they structure society.
(Excerpts from Tristan Harris’ Homepage, https://www.tristanharris.com/)
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