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Wisdom 2.0Japanの本番当日では、これからの先行きが不透明で、分断と格差がさらに拡大していくかもしれない世界において、必ず人類にとって必須なものとなるコンパッションについて、世界的第一人者であるハリファクス博士から、その叡智を受け取ってください。
Speaker Profile: Dr. Joan Halifax
An Anthropologist and Global Activist for Compassion’s Advice on Our Future Humanity.
Junya Ogino introduces our fifth speaker, Dr. Joan Halifax, one of the world’s leading compassion researchers and a Zen nun.
Dr. Halifax is a well known social activist and has been leading a team of doctors to provide medical care to people in Nepal and other places where medical care is not available for many years.
The compassion program called GRACE, for health care professionals is a valuable and growing program for doctors and nurses around the world, especially those involved in palliative care.
She has a deep knowledge of Japanese culture, especially in Buddhism, and was the first female nun in the world to speak at Eiheiji and Sojiji, where Japanese Zen originated.
Dr. Halifax has been invited to speak at our annual seminar for the past several years, and each time she has raised several issues such as the gender gap in Japan and the low level of wellbeing among Japanese workers. I have learned so much from Dr. Halifax’s graceful demeanor, her compassionate and wise eyes and words.
In her latest book, “Compassion”, she discusses the theory of compassion, its practical wisdom and the true value of practice through her own life story. Many reviewers in Japan have said that they were very much impressed by the book, that is filled with profound wisdom that resonates with many people.
On the day of Wisdom 2.0 Japan, you will get a chance to learn from Dr. Halifax, one of the world’s leading authority on compassion. Her thoughts and wisdom will surely be essential for our humanity in this world where our future is looming with uncertainty, fragmentation and growing disparity.
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- 【ジョアン・ハリファクス博士】コンパッションの世界的な活動家、研究者から学ぶこれからの私たちの在り方。