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2019年で10回目を迎えるアメリカでのWisdom 2.0は、現在5千人を集めるまでに発展した世界でも最もインパクトのあるカンファレンスイベントのひとつ。
Wisdom 2.0 Conferenceの創設者、社会活動家。
●インタビュアー 荻野淳也
Wisdom2.0 Japan共同創設者。
第2回目のインタビュー 「Wisdom2.0 10年の変化」はこちら
[Interview] with Wisdom2.0 Founder Soren Gordhamer,
1st round: “What is Wisdom 2.0? How did it get started and why?”
Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Wisdom 2.0 summit, which originated in the US, is one of the world’s most influential conferences that has to date gathered more than 5,000 people.
“In Silicon Valley, where new AI, SNS, and technology are being created and are now revolutionizing the world, there is a growing need to explore a more fundamental question: how can we reap the actual benefits from them? Not merely by utilizing these tools to pursue profits, but to create a healthier mental and physical psyche among people as well as a better world.”
Regarding this question, top IT leaders from Silicon Valley, business leaders, various experts, and aspiring participants come together and participate in an interactive gathering to discuss the means to create a better future and co-create a paradigm that will have a real lasting impact on our society beyond the conference itself.
This is an interview with Wisdom2.0 founder Mr. Soren Gordhamer, and the full-length interview is broken down into four parts.
●(Interviewee) Soren Gordhamer
Founder of Wisdom2.0 Conference & social activist.
After traveling around the world on peace walks to promote peace and environmentalism, Soren founded Wisdom 2.0 Conference with the intention of fusing mindfulness with the digital world. Since it was first organized in 2009, the conference has been held annually and to date has gathered more than 5000 people. Today Wisdom 2.0 is one of the world’s largest mindfulness-related conferences.
● (Interviewer) Junya Ogino
Co-founder of Wisdom2.0Japan.
After graduating from Keio University, Junya has worked in various fields such as foreign investment consultancy, IPO managing & director in venture companies, leadership & organizational development and has provided advice, training, and executive coaching for many listed companies and venture capitalists. Applying his knowledge of mission management, mindfulness leadership, and mindfulness coaching, Junya focuses on issues related to the transformation of leadership methodologies and organizations. He is also the author of “How to Take a Frustration-Free Day Off: Mindfulness That Begins with Time Taken Off
What is Wisdom2.0?
Wisdom2.0 is a gathering for people from all sectors of society, so people come who are the medical field doctors, nurses, people come who are entrepreneurs, technology leaders. We have many parents who come. And everybody comes because they are seeking the same thing, seeking to live lives of greater meaning, of greater purpose, with greater mindfulness.
In our society, it’s very easy to be rushed and to be hurried and we miss many of these moments, so we just keep hurrying and keep rushing. But sometimes when we get so stressed, it’s hard for us to go to sleep at night, it’s hard for us to taste our food and appreciate life.
So Wisdom2.0 is really an event that gathers people together and says how we live with greater mindfulness and wisdom and care while using and benefitting from all these amazing technologies of our age.
So we gather people who care about that topic and then we bring in teachers from all kinds of the world, so we have technology leaders, business leaders, the wisdom teachers, coming together to share their own insights, and their lessons, and their learning about how we move forward as a society in a way that allows us to live life in the fullest.
What made you start Wisdom2.0 in 2009?
I realized that I had two loves. I love technology in many ways—-I love the communication channels that it opens, I love the information I have access to, and I have such appreciation for technology.
And I also have appreciation for the inner world, for the inner peace, for mindfulness. And I realized those two worlds didn’t go together very much. And I had friends who are into technology, friends who are into mindfulness.
But I realized the mindfulness community had really important lessons for the technology community and the technology community had really important lessons for the mindfulness community, so it’s important for us to come together and share all of our insights and all of our wisdom.
So I started it because I knew that as a culture, we need to discover great external technologies and develop them, but we also have to train and understand the internal technologies of our mind and body and heart.
Because if we just get consumed by technology and we don’t pay attention to our children, we don’t listen to our loved one, we don’t appreciate food, we don’t know our own self, then it’s easy to kind of live a life on automatic pilot and we are missing out on our life.
And then we get to the end of our life and we look back, and we’re like “what happened?” because we weren’t very present for our life.
So I started it because I was really interested in how we can bring in these worlds together, and many of the technology leaders, founders of Facebook and Twitter and eBay and things, joined us in that conference and so it’s a wide variety of people that come and I started it because I feel like this is a really important conversation, not only for American culture but Japanese culture and other cultures as well.
Next Interview : 3rd round: “How it has changed during the last 10 years”
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- 【インタビュー】創設者ソレン・ゴードハマー氏 第1回「Wisdom2.0とは何か?なぜそれを始めたのか?」