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第1回 「Wisdom2.0とは何か?なぜそれを始めたのか?」はこちら
第2回 「Wisdom2.0 10年の変化」はこちら
Wisdom2.0 Conferenceの創設者、社会活動家。
●インタビュアー 荻野淳也
最後のインタビュー 「Wisdom2.0は何を目指すのか 」はこちら
[Interview] with Wisdom 2.0 Founder Soren Gordhamer
3rd round: “What participants can gain from Wisdom2.0”
Here is the 3rd round of the interview with Mr. Soren Gordhamer, founder of Wisdom2.0. The theme of the interview is “What participants can gain from Wisdom2.0.” Enjoy!
– 1st round: “What is Wisdom2.0? How did it get started and why?”click Here
– 2nd round: “How it has changed during the last 10 years” click Here
●(Interviewee) Soren Gordhamer
Founder of Wisdom2.0 Conference & social activist.
After traveling around the world on peace walks to promote peace and environmentalism, Soren founded Wisdom2.0 Conference with the intention of fusing mindfulness with the digital world. Since it was first organized in 2009, the conference has been held annually and to date has gathered more than 5000 people. Today Wisdom2.0 is one of the world’s largest mindfulness-related conferences.
● (Interviewer) Junya Ogino
Co-founder of Wisdom2.0Japan.
After graduating from Keio University, Junya has worked in various fields such as foreign investment consultancy, IPO managing & director in venture companies, leadership & organizational development and has provided advice, training, and executive coaching for many listed companies and venture capitalists. Applying his knowledge of mission management, mindfulness leadership, and mindfulness coaching, Junya focuses on issues related to the transformation of leadership methodologies and organizations. He is also the author of “How to Take a Frustration-Free Day Off: Mindfulness That Begins with Time Taken Off.”
What can a participant expect to gain/learn at Wisdom2.0?
I think if you’re interested in living a life of a greater awareness and Mindfulness you’ll have a lot to learn at wisdom2.0 in Japan.
We’ll have researchers who talk about the science and its impact on our mind and body and learning about brain.
You’ll actually get to do practices like meditation, what you’re curious to learn more about different well being practices.
And we hope also that you’ll meet other friends and another type of people who care about these topics as well.
So I think for people who are interested in who they become, they come with an open-mind. Hopefully, they’ll develop a great sense of community for the people.
We have more practices and more tools for their tool box—the things they apply when they are stressed, when they’re anxious or when they’re frustrated.
They learn the ways to use mindfulness to better support their well being.
And I hope to learn more about the science and we have some amazing speakers who brought mindfulness and wisdom into businesses and to different organizations and so I think if you’re interested in and those aspects, you’ll have a lot that you can gain from joining us.
In Japan, Many people think mindfulness is meditation, self-help technique, or a religion.
What is mindfulness?
What’s the essential value of it?
One way I like to describe mindfulness is just to use the word awareness. It is already something we have inside of us, so some way we don’t need to create it or find it. It’s already inside of us and we just need to bring forth.
One way to think about mindfulness and think about awareness is when we taste our food or eat our food, we are aware… we’re connected to our food.
If our child comes on and we actually see them and we welcome them with a lot of quality of attention that is kind of mindfulness.
If we are outside, we feel the breeze on our skin and we notice some flowers and trees. That’s mindfulness.
So all these experiences—experience of waking up to life—I feel like rather than thinking about it as a meditation or self-help or something that you have that’s complicated, there’s actually something that’s inherent in all of us and what it does is when we tap into that it makes life more rich, more valuable.
Because we realize that because it’s such a beautiful tree, or such a beautiful person or such a wonderful food, we become engaged with life rather than caught in the story of our worries and fears and “OMG, what I’ve done!” or “I should’ve done it!” and we miss our lives. And life kind of goes by before our eyes.
So awareness practice is something that’s inside of us. When we cultivate it, we bring it forth, we get to experience more moments of life.
And those moments, I think, inherently make us feel more satisfied and more of a sense of completion and meaning and appreciation.
Next Interview : 4th round: “What does Wisdom 2.0 aim for?”
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- 【インタビュー】第3回「Wisdom2.0から得られるもの」創設者ソレン・ゴードハマー氏